
Kitsuke for photo shooting- Japanese Cultural Day @ Mt. Coot-tha

The photo is from this link →

Japanese cultural day event will be held at Mt. Coot-tha this Sunday. Please click the link above for the details.
My friend works for Consulate- General of Japan asked me to dress a model in kimono for photo-shooting by Courier Mail. I had just dressed her and didn't go to the photo shooting, so I was very excited to see this image. 

I am looking forward to seeing the tea ceremony performed by Yamada sensei (Urasenke teacher) on Sunday.
Please come and visit the event if you have time!

Japanese Cultural Dayのイベントがマウント・クーサで今週の日曜日に行われます。詳細はリンクをクリックしてください。

領事館で働く友達に、Courier Mailの撮影のためにモデルさんの着付けをするように頼まれました。撮影には付いていかなかったので、写真の出来上がりを見るのが楽しみでした。

