
YAMAKOSHI- The Recovery of a Tiny Japanese Village, 1000年の山古志

I went to see "YAMAKOSHI- The Recovery of a Tiny Japanese Village" . This is one of the four films shown during 15th Japanese film festival, hosted by Consulate General of Japan in Brisbane. This is a documantary film about recovery of a village which was damaged by The Chuetsu Earthquake.

I wrote about this film in my another blog, but I mention about it here as I want more people to know about this film. It is moving but not sentimental. It is very positive and encouraging.

Official website: 1000年の山古志
Review: Twitch film

"YAMAKOSHI- The Recovery of a Tiny Japanese Village" (日本語タイトルは1000年の山古志)を見てきました。ブリスベン日本領事館主催の第15回日本映画祭で上映される4本のうちの1本です。新潟県中越地震で被災した山古志村の復興を描いたドキュメンターリ映画。
