
Azuki milk kanten (agar-agar)

I felt like eating something sweet, so I made azuki milk kanten, using azuki I cooked a while ago.
As there wasn't any soy milk left at home, I used milk this time. It was tasty with slight sweetness.
I will try with soy milk next time.



Camping weekend: Bunya Mountains National Park

 We saw many cute cactuses

 ↑↓Bunya pine tree

 Watching sunset over the holizon


Henri Cartier-Bresson- The Man, The Image & The World @ Queensland Art Gallery

This wonderful photo exhibition is held until 27 Nov 2011 @ Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane.
It was a quite extensive exhibition over 260 photos displayed. He took a lot of great photos which captured the moments. The compositions of his photos are often quite unique, which made me smile.

The following is from QAG website:
Cartier-Bresson is responsible for some of the most iconic photographic images of portraiture and photojournalism. In many cases his photographs have become defining records of modern history, portraits of European culture from the 1930s to the 1970s, and examples of a ‘decisive moment’ — a phrase often used to describe Cartier-Bresson’s works, which can illustrate action, emotion and an entire story in a single image. Cartier-Bresson’s work focuses on humanity and, often preferring to blend into a situation, his camera captured faces and bodies full of emotion and intentions both intimate and bold.

Henri Cartier-Bressonの展覧会が11月27日までQueensland Art Galleryにて開催されています。


Small Meisen kimono bag

I used meisen kimono fabric scraps to make this small bag.
Meisen fabrics keep fascinating me, especially the one like this.
I don't think I would ever find the same pattern.
I am going to use this bag when I go to the shopping mall nearby.



Our herb and veggie patch


 Basil, Dill
Yomogi (Mugword), Ao-jiso (Green Pperilla)

Okura, Spinachi

I made a part of front garden into herb and veggie patch.
I have grown herbs in pots before, but this is the first time to sow seeds and grow herbs and veggies in soil.
I didn't think it would be so fun.
Herbs and veggies grow very fast in soil compared to in pots. The warm weather in QLD makes it easier to grow them.

I definitely want to sow more seeds after I come back from Japan.




※最近読んだハーブに関するエッセイ、ハーブと暮らし- 香の花束は日本におけるハーブ文化のパイオニアの方が書かれた本。古い本だけど、ハーブの楽しみ、活用法がびっしりで(特にハーブ染めが気になる)、いつかハーブガーデンを作りたい~。と思わせてくれました。


Koji making lesson and pot luck lunch

My friend kindly showed us how to make koji.
Once I master how to make koji, I can make my own miso. That would be fantastic.

I loved the dishes everyone made including miso soup using home-made miso. They are all healthy and tasty.

I made roasted sweet potates and potato cakes. I finally had a chance to use this stylish mini jubako(tiered food boxes)





YAMAKOSHI- The Recovery of a Tiny Japanese Village, 1000年の山古志

I went to see "YAMAKOSHI- The Recovery of a Tiny Japanese Village" . This is one of the four films shown during 15th Japanese film festival, hosted by Consulate General of Japan in Brisbane. This is a documantary film about recovery of a village which was damaged by The Chuetsu Earthquake.

I wrote about this film in my another blog, but I mention about it here as I want more people to know about this film. It is moving but not sentimental. It is very positive and encouraging.

Official website: 1000年の山古志
Review: Twitch film

"YAMAKOSHI- The Recovery of a Tiny Japanese Village" (日本語タイトルは1000年の山古志)を見てきました。ブリスベン日本領事館主催の第15回日本映画祭で上映される4本のうちの1本です。新潟県中越地震で被災した山古志村の復興を描いたドキュメンターリ映画。



Soap making

Olive oil soaps I made with my friend are almost ready to use.

I thought making soap would be a daunting task and never thought of making myself.
When I happened to use my friend's handmade soap which was originally given as a small birthday gift to my husband, I completely changed my mind. The moist feeling of the skin was beyond my expectation.

I asked my friend to demonstrate how to make them. 
The procedure itself was easier than I thought, although it takes couple of months to be ready to use after pouring mixture into molds.  Most of basic materials are available at supermarkets. I just need to buy an accurate digital scale and couple of thermometers to be able to make them at home.

The book "お風呂の愉しみ" I borrowed from my friend was sooo good, I ordered the same book and decided to make shampoo bars and other stuff as well. 



