
Getting ready for Japan Town @ QUT

Please let me advertise Japan Town event in this blog, too.

I have uploaded photos of some of my hand crafted items (these items are not on my Etsy shop yet), which I am going to sell at Japan Town event organised by  QUT Japan.

This is an event to introduce Japanese culture and also to raise money to help those affected by Japan earthquake and tsunami. The event features Japanese instrumental performances, a quize on Japan, origami lessons, games and Japanese food stalls.

31st August: QUT Garden's point campus,  2 George St, Brisbane QLD 4001
1st September: QUT Kelvin Grove campus, Victoria Park Rd, Kelvin Grove, Brisbane QLD 4059
11:00am-14:00pm Free admission

ショップブログにも同じ記事を載せましたが、QUT JAPANが主催するJapan Townの宣伝をこのブログでもさせてください。今回販売するもので、ネットショップにまだ載せてないアイテムの写真を載せました。他にもまだいろいろありますよ~。



Japan Weekのイベントは領事館のHPより確認できます。


Cunningham's Gap- Bare Rock track

Great view! 

Moss on tree branches

Nice texture 

 Moss world

 Glass trees -I like spikes

Bare rock, good lunch spot

I have been to many national parks around Brisbane and still new places to discover!
This Bare Rock track we walked last Sunday has spectacular viewing points and 2 types of vegetation to explore: rainforest and rocy dry bush. I enjoyed spotting beauty in nature: wilderness land, very mossy patches, unique shapes and textures of trees.

This is 12.4km walk, about 4-5hours return. It's very easy climb compared to most of Japanese mountains.
Definitely I love to try this walk again.

先週の日曜日に歩いたCunningham's Gap(ブリスベンから1時間半~2時間)のBare Rockというウォーキングトラックはダイナミックな景色を眺められるポイントが何か所かあり、雨林と岩肌がむき出しになったドライブッシュの両方が楽しめます。


このコースは合計12.4キロ、 4-5時間のコースです。日本の登山に比べたら楽チン。またぜひ歩きたいコースです。

Surrealism film at GOMA- The Hour- Glass Sanatorium by Wojciech Has

All images are borrowed from this site

As it was depressing weather yesterday, we decided to go to cinema.
We didn't find any films we wanted to see, we went to see Surrealism film at GOMA.
Did you know most of the surrealism films currently shown at GOMA are free of charge?

Anyhow, the Polish film we chose was very strange; most of the parts were beyond my understanding.
Still, I was attracted to surreal, dream-like settings and stories. My husband slept about 3/4 of the film though. What a shame.

よく行くDendyPalace Cinemaに見たい映画がなかったので、GOMASurrealism映画を見ることにしました。現在放映されているSurrealismのほとんどの映画は無料って知ってました??




Kitsuke for photo shooting- Japanese Cultural Day @ Mt. Coot-tha

The photo is from this link →

Japanese cultural day event will be held at Mt. Coot-tha this Sunday. Please click the link above for the details.
My friend works for Consulate- General of Japan asked me to dress a model in kimono for photo-shooting by Courier Mail. I had just dressed her and didn't go to the photo shooting, so I was very excited to see this image. 

I am looking forward to seeing the tea ceremony performed by Yamada sensei (Urasenke teacher) on Sunday.
Please come and visit the event if you have time!

Japanese Cultural Dayのイベントがマウント・クーサで今週の日曜日に行われます。詳細はリンクをクリックしてください。

領事館で働く友達に、Courier Mailの撮影のためにモデルさんの着付けをするように頼まれました。撮影には付いていかなかったので、写真の出来上がりを見るのが楽しみでした。




Artist choice- Marian Drew "Buoyancy"

Queensland Art Gallery is rather modest compared to Gallery of Modern Art, but I like it.
They change collection fairly regularly, most section of the museum is free of charge, there are unique water features, and they have a nice looking cafe and a good museum store.

This is a small exhibition, which QLD based artist Marian Drew curated a display from gallery collection.
The theme she chose is water. The title of this exhibiton is Buoyancy.

Nothing glamorous but interesting selection of art works.

Queensland Art GalleryGallery of Modern Artに比べて目立たないけど、私は結構好きです。

写真に撮ったのはクイーンズランドで活動するMarian Drewというアーティストがミュージアムのコレクションから作品を選んで展示してる小さな展覧会。
テーマは水で、展覧会のタイトルはBuoyancy (浮力)。




My first experience

As I am a woman of curiosity, I couldn't say no to the invitation to a dance performance of my husband's gay colleague at Sportman hotel (kind of gay bar/ club). Actually it was his last performance.

I didn't feel too comfortable being there, but I liked the dance performance.
I only saw the first one "Cats". Dancers dressed in cat costumes, dancing and singing along with the music.
Some of dancers were sexy as well as beautiful including my husband's colleague! (of course they are all men)




Day4: Gold coast - Surfer's Paradaise

After whale watching and lunch, we went to Surfer's Paradise and walked around the area.
I have only been to Gold Coast a few times, but this time was most beautiful.
Even then, for me, beach is beach. I have seen many different beaches in different countries so it is beautiful but nothing new. My friend got very excited to see this beach though. 

On 5th day, the day of my friend's departure, we went on a Citycat boat to see views,  then walked along Brisbane river but we run out of time before showing her enough.

I wanted to take her to more places in slower pace but time was limited. That's the way it goes.
I had a good time catching up with an old friend and hopefully she had a good impression of Brisbane.




Day4: Gold Coast- Peter's fish market

After whale watching tour, we went to Peter's fish market recommended by a staff at an information desk.
When we arrived there, it was packed with people. It looks like a popular spot for locals and tourists.
A lots of people were ordering fish and chips, but you can also choose fish or seafood from the cabinet and they cook the way you like (crumbed, butterd or grilled)

We had fresh oyseters, grilled scallops and grilled prawns. The portion was small but quite delicious.
Watch out for the hungry birds while you eat!

ホエールウォッチングの後は、インフォメーションデスクで教えてもらったPeter's fish marketでランチをしました。着いた時には人がいっぱい。ローカルや観光客に人気のお店のよう。



Day4: Gold Coast- Whale watching

 Viewing deck (Aquaduck in a distance)

You can see a tail of the whale. Look close!

We joined a whale watching tour departing from Gold Cost.
We were able to spot whales 5-6 times while we were on boat, but unfortunately all were in a distance.
We didn't see any showy actions like breaching or tail tapping.
"Whales were sleepy today"
That's what the crew on board said.
Anyway, we were lucky enough to spot whales and go on cruise in such a beautiful weather.



Day3: Spring Brook national park- Natural Bridge


After we walked Puring Brook circuit and visited lookouts, we headed to Natural Bridge, which is also a part of Springbrook national park.

Natural Bridge is famous for this unique waterfall and glow worms.
We visited Natural Bridge while there was still sunlight, then went to a cafe nearby to wait for the sunset.
I wasn't sure how much glow worms we could see as it was dry season, but there were plenty of them in the cave. (however not as many as summer time)

Puring Brook circutを歩き、展望台で景色を眺めた後、ナチュラルブリッジへ向かいました。30キロほど離れていますが、こちらもスプリングブルック国立公園の一部。



Day3: Springbrook national park- Purling brook circuit, lookouts

↑↓Best of All lookout


 Purling brook circuit
 ↑↓Canyon lookout

I think Purling brook circuit is one of the easiest and most scenic walking track among the walks around Brisbane. It only takes about 2 hours but you can enjoy fantastic mountain views and see a magnificient waterfall. You can even walk behind the waterfall! As it was dry season, the waterfall didn't have much water. On the other hand, you can see clear and nicer mountain views in winter.

Both lookouts, Best of All lookout and Canyon lookout, also have wonderful views. You need to walk about 10min to get to Best of All lookout, but for Canyon lookout, you don't even have to walk. Just pop out of the car, and the amazing scenery is there!

Purling brook circuitはブリスベン近郊のウォーキングトラックの中では、最も簡単で景色が良いのではと思います。だいたい2時間で歩き終えることができ、山の景色や滝を存分に楽しめます。滝の裏側を歩くこともできます!写真で見て分かる通り、雨季のため水があんまりありません。でもその代り、冬の方が空気が澄んでいるので景色は断然いい。

Best of All lookoutCanyon lookoutへも行きましたが、どちらの景色も素晴らしいです。
Best of Allの方は10分程度歩きますが、Canyonの方は車から出たらこの景色!


Day2:Green Mountains, Lamington national park- Toolona creek circuit

We walked a part of Toolona creek circuit in Green Mountains.
Last time, it was really hard to cross creeks as the rocks were slippery and water level was high, but this time, very easy. However, the rainforest looked more beautiful and lively then.

Unbelievable mistake I made on that day. We were going to stay at a cottage my husband's colleague's neighbour owns, but I left the key at home in Brisbane and only realised when we got there. So we visited Green Mountains, then came back to Brisbane in the evening...

Green MountainsではTree top walkを歩いたあと、Tooloona creek circuitの一部を歩きました。

この日の信じられない間抜けなミス。この日は、旦那さんの同僚の隣人が所有する別荘に泊まる予定だったのに、鍵をブリスベンの家へ置いてきてしまったのです。気づいたのは別荘に着いてから。なのでGreen Mountainsへ行き、その夜ブリスベンへ戻りました。。。


Day2: Green Mountains, Lamington national park- Tree top walk

Tree top walk is one of the main attraction for tourists visiting Green Mountains.
This walk is made up of 9 suspension bridge and about 15m above the ground.

There are two observation decks (highest one is 30m above the ground ). I climbed the ladder to get there.
It looks easy, isn't it? But it was really scarely. The last photo is from the deck. In spite of all the effort, it wasn't particularly amazing view.




Day1: Mt. Coot-tha

After visiting Lone Pine Koala Sanctury, we headed to Mt. Coot-tha Lookout.
It's great place to visit on a Sunny day.
The cafe there has a spectacular view.
And I liked the latte art.
